Matthias Reik

Current Role: Head of Software Development


Matthias on the importance of an open culture 


Meet Matthias and read about his experience living in many different cities. And learn about the culture he’s witnessed at Tesco since he joined, and how he’s been able to influence it.  


I’ve lived in many different countries throughout my life, and I’ve seen the benefits of bringing different cultures together. I was born in Belgium, lived in France, and moved to Germany for my studies. After that I moved to Sweden, and finally settled in Hungary. I’ve never been anchored anywhere.  


So you could say that my home is wherever I am. There are adjustments to make in every place you live. Every country has positive and negative aspects. I prefer to ignore the negative stuff and always try to focus on the positives, whether that’s about enjoying the food or the ways of working. 

“You’re able to help influence the work, the culture and your own career.” 

The reason I joined Tesco and the reason I’ve stayed are the same. In the interview I found out that the business was going through a lot of transformation. Tech used to be seen as a barrier, but now Tesco sees it as an asset, and invest heavily into it. And I was told I’d be part of helping to steer the direction on that journey. That was really important for me, and it’s definitely been the case. 


Tesco doesn’t just choose a direction and expect its colleagues to follow. It’s not ‘my way or the highway’. Rather than being a pawn in the game, you’re a player. You’re able to help influence the work, the culture and your own career. This isn’t always easy, it takes a lot of time and energy to bring about change, but the most important thing is that it’s possible and I’ve found it personally rewarding to be part of.   


“Everyone at Tesco is empowered to be exactly who they are.” 

Another reason I was keen to join was because of the role I’d be taking on. Tesco had opened a new development hub and I was the first Software Development Manager to join. My team provides the infrastructure for commercial agreements with suppliers (like how much Tesco pays suppliers for their products) as well as handling the customer facing aspects (including running promotions). 


I work with people from an array of countries and cultures. My manager is based in India, my team is mainly based in Budapest and Bangalore, and I work closely with colleagues in the UK. It’s something I really value. Everyone at Tesco is empowered to be exactly who they are. And we’re all supported to bring who we are to work.  

“We can create our own ways of working and challenge how things are done.” 

And from the get-go, we were given trust and autonomy. My managers have never tried to mould us into the Tesco ‘shape’. As a team that’s from all around the globe, we’re embraced for our individuality and encouraged to use our own cultures to influence the Tesco culture. We can create our own ways of working and challenge how things are done. 


Whoever you are, wherever you’re from, you’re accepted. I definitely try to make sure everyone in my team feels welcome, that they can be their authentic self and that they’re part of a family here. For me, it’s all about D, I and B: Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging. I’m happy being part of a diverse team, and I feel Tesco see the importance of inclusivity.  

“Tesco recognises that there’s always room for growth.” 

One thing’s for sure, our diverse experiences and perspectives are respected here. It’s a place where you can be who you are and say how you feel, and not be criticised for it. While we all have different roles, everyone is equal. When we don’t agree, we work together to find a solution. Differing opinions help to find the right balance. We’re all here to do our job to the best of our abilities – to develop and improve. And Tesco recognises that there’s always room for growth. I’m proud to work in a business that has a willingness to learn.” 


Everyone’s welcome at Tesco. We’re there for our people, whatever life brings. So we’ll do everything we can to support you. To help make sure you always feel comfortable being yourself at work, and that you’ve got what you need to develop and grow with us.


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